Life is an adventure,
it’s not a package tour.

Diwali 2015

^^^^^^ HaPpY ….. D!WaL! ^^^^^^^   Keeping the season’s spirit in mind, Diwali was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm in our

SIT – Group Discussion

SIT Group discussion was held to demonstrate certain topics and to know our scorpions focal points and thoughts for the same. No doubt it helps a lot to

Mahatma Gandhi – A Protagonist of Peace

The festival of Gandhi Jayanti is observed in India, on October 2nd on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, with reverence all over the country.. Mohandas

Sept’15 – Birthday Bash

  Growing is a precious step in everyone’s life whether its a wage or age always matters the most and all we do

Aug Monthly Meet – STAR Award

1st Star Quarter of 2015-16 session Awards can give you a tremendous amount of encouragement to keep getting better, regardless of how young or old

SIT-Movie Fun @ Elante

The Most Important thing is to Live your Life – to be Happy – it’s all that matters…. Last weekend

Independence & B’ Day Celebration

  Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable Birth right of all. Labour is the real

Scorpion’s Birthday Ceremony

Believe in the hope that a new day is dawning, Believe that your dreams will become true,…. Believe in the promise of brighter tomorrow… Begin